Dr. Haider Abdulrasool

Dr. Haider Abdulrasool is a general practitioner operating in Ballarat, specializing in General Medicine, Chronic Disease Management, Preventative Medicine, and Dermatology & Skin Cancer Management.

General Medicine

General health care for people of all genders and ages.

Chronic Disease Management

Health management of chronic diseases. Includes screening, check-ups, monitoring, treatment plans and more.

Preventative Medicine

General checkups, age specific preventive care, and vaccination.

Dermatology & Skin Cancer Management

Medical care for skin conditions, including management of skin cancer.

Dr. Haider Abdulrasool, Ballarat GP

Dr. Haider Abdulrasool is a general practitioner providing expert knowledge and care in General Medicine in Ballarat, Victoria.

In addition to General Medicine, Dr. Abdulrasool specialises in Chronic Disease Management, Preventative Medicine, and Dermatology & Skin Cancer Management.

With care and knowledge, Dr. Abdulrasool is backed by the following qualifications: MBChB, FRACGP, GDipSurgAnat, MHlthProm

Consultation Fees

Total Fee
Medicare Rebate
Total Fee
Medicare Rebate
Total Fee
Medicare Rebate
Standard Consultation
Long Consultation
Extended Consultation


You can find Dr Haider Abdulrasool practicing at these locations, days and times.

BGP, 1021 Howitt Street
Mon, 8.30am-5pm
Tues, 2pm-5pm
Wed, 8.30am-5pm